
Jaclyn Domsohn's internship transitioned into a full-time role at global company CTDI

bck体育官网校友杰奎琳·多姆森说 earned a bachelor’s degree in engineering in 2021 and is now CTDI的机械工程师.


媒体,爸爸. ——高中时, Jaclyn Domsohn wasn’t sure what to study in college or what type of career to pursue. She knew she enjoyed math and physics, but she hadn’t 虽然t about engineering.

“I don’t think I was exposed to engineering as much as I feel a lot of women are now,多姆松说. “但工程学涉及很多数学和物理. And as I started some of my first classes, I realized it's a lot of what I've always liked. I've always liked designing and building things and it kind of just clicked.”

从科茨维尔地区高中毕业后, Domsohn attended 宾州州立大学白兰地酒 and graduated summa cum laude in 2021 with a bachelor’s degree in engineering. She is now a mechanical engineer in the Mobility Division of CTDI, 一家全球性的通信公司, 移动和消费设备服务行业.

Domsohn was attracted to 白兰地酒 by the small class sizes and the hands-on experiences offered in the engineering program.

“I had a lot of exposure to different disciplines of engineering. 我真的很喜欢这种对设计的关注, 因为这太适合我的工作了, 我认为几乎所有的工程角色都是如此,”她说。. “It helped create a solid foundation to constantly work through the design process and refine those skills. 我们有很棒的教授,他们非常乐于助人,知识渊博.”

我真的很喜欢这种对设计的关注, 因为这太适合我的工作了 … It helped create a solid foundation to constantly work through the design process and refine those skills.

—Jaclyn Domsohn , Penn State alumna and mechanical engineer, CTDI

Part of the engineering program that stands out for Domsohn is the capstone project that she worked on with a team of students during her senior year. She said they worked with an engineering consulting company and their task was to develop a non-contact device to help prevent asphyxiation in infants by detecting if a baby is breathing.

“We ended with a working prototype that performed as we were expecting,”她说。. “所以这真的是, really rewarding experience to take the project from customer need to final prototype.”

Three professors who made a lasting impression on her were Ivan Esparragoza, now assistant dean for curricular innovation and program assessment in the College of Engineering; Sally Richmond, assistant teaching professor of engineering at Penn State Great Valley; and Charles Helou, 宾州州立大学的数学教授.

“I loved [Esparragoza's] passion for engineering and learning," she said. “他做了8次.m. 早班令人兴奋.”

She added that she remembers Richmond for her vested interest in each student and in her role as capstone adviser. 和Helou, 多姆松是他的助教, 鼓励她成为白兰地酒大学STEM实验室的同伴导师.

“He gave me the chance to get out of my comfort zone and gain valuable experience,”她说。.

Domsohn’s original plan to complete her required internship at CTDI was scuttled by the pandemic. 而不是, she completed an internship with Penn State as part of a team working on a report and design concept for a land-surveying drone. 毕业后立即, 虽然, she was able to intern at CTDI to gain some additional skills and experiences.

“在我毕业之后, 我觉得我错过了面对面的机会, 专业实习的实践经验, 所以我联系了CTDI,询问是否有机会,”她说。.

During the internship, she focused on redesigning an existing system to test TV remote controls. She was given a tester along with suggested changes and improvements. She created a design change plan that included various aspects of engineering. Al虽然 the company’s manufacturing team typically builds the systems, she did part of the build herself to learn and become more familiar with it.

多姆松说实习, which included sessions on career exploration and resume building, was key to landing her full-time position with CTDI in August 2021. 她加入了机动部的一个机器人团队, 其中包括为测试设备设计机器人系统.

作为流动部门的一部分, Domsohn与一组开发工程师一起进行设计, 为各种消费电子产品创建和构建新的测试器, 包括手机.

“I often work with the electrical engineers to determine what components are needed for testing the device. 然后我专注于设计夹具, 运动系统和系统内所需的帧,多姆松说.

“我真的很喜欢我所从事的工作的多样性,”她说. “We always have new projects, different devices, new customers. 我认为最好的部分是它是不断变化的. 这不是一件事一遍又一遍. 我们一直在创新.”

“我已经参与了许多已经开发的项目, 合格并发货到我们的生产,她补充道。. “这意味着它就在那里. 它正在产生影响,这很好. Just to see something that I've helped create go out and know that I’ve had a hand in its development feels like an accomplishment in itself.”

多姆森说, 以前是学生,现在是员工, she is impressed by the strong relationship between CTDI and 宾州州立大学白兰地酒.

“It's very cool to see the connection between CTDI and Penn State, 尤其是bck体育官网的白兰地酒, 继续增长,”她说。. CTDI was one of the Penn State engineering capstone project sponsors for the 2022-23 academic year. Domsohn was able to act as a capstone mentor along with Mo Paknejad, CTDI director of engineering and a 宾州州立大学白兰地酒 Advisory Board member. “So that was a fun full-circle moment for me to be part of that since I had completed my own capstone two years earlier.”