

Penn State Brandywine's social justice fair, 由bck体育官网阿宾顿分校和bck体育官网世界校区共同主办, is March 28-April 1.

Credit: Penn State

MEDIA, Pa. -环境种族主义和正义将是今年的重点 social justice fair organized by Penn State Brandywine’s Center for Ethics and Civic Engagement and Student Affairs office. The weeklong series of events, held March 28 to April 1, 将探讨环境种族主义和正义的全球和地方方面,并包括与活动家的互动会议, student leaders, storytellers, Brandywine professors and public officials.

Penn State Abington Student Engagement & 领导力和bck体育官网世界校园学生事务是社会正义公平的合作伙伴, which includes a variety of in-person, hybrid and virtual opportunities, many of which are open to the public.

“Environmental racism and justice impact all of us. 我们与来自整个大学和地区的合作伙伴一起安排了一周的节目,以帮助我们研究这些问题如何与我们的生活和社区交叉,并激励我们采取行动,” said Vippy Yee, 罗森堡白兰地酒伦理与公民参与中心主任.

The schedule of events includes:

Monday, March 28

11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., Student Union 114-117 — Clothing swap. 学生可以做一些免费的环保可持续购物. The Brandywine campus food pantry 已经收集了各种尺寸的男性和女性的二手衣服捐赠. Open to Penn State students.

6:30 to 8 p.m.你后院的环境种族主义:它如何影响你以及你如何结束它.” This virtual session will be led by Mike Ewall, the founder and director of the Energy Justice Network, 一个支持草根抵制肮脏能源和废物处理设施的全国性网络. 自1994年以来,他一直支持并致力于结束切斯特的环境种族主义. Open to the public. Registration required.

Tuesday, March 29

10:15 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. — Toxic Tour: Environmental Racism in Chester. Kearni N. 能源正义网络的沃伦将带领一辆巴士参观切斯特遭受环境种族主义的主要地点,并介绍活动人士为实现正义所做的工作. Open to Penn State students, faculty and staff. 座位有限,先到先得. Email [email protected] to inquire.

Noon to 1:30 p.m., Tomezsko Lounge — Brandywine Literary Festival. 宾州州立大学获奖者Shara McCallum将朗读她的作品,学生们将在开放麦克风环节朗读自己的作品. In addition, Penn In Hand award winners will be announced. McCallum, the first woman of color to serve as Penn State Laureate, is the author of six books of poetry. Open to Penn State students, faculty and staff.

6:30 to 8 p.m. — “The True Cost.” Join us for a screening and discussion of “The True Cost” (2015, PG-13, 1h 32m). This documentary film is about the clothes we wear, the people who make them, and the impact the clothing industry is having on our world. Open to the public. Registration required.

Wednesday, March 30

作为巴德学院全球气候正义讲座的一部分, we are teaming with hundreds of universities, colleges, elementary, middle and high schools, and faith organizations around the world in 扩大关于气候解决方案和气候正义的对话.

10:10 a.m. to 3:45 p.m., Student Union 114-117 — Teach-in sessions. bck体育官网的教职员工将全天主持以气候正义为重点的讲座和讨论. 一个关于可持续发展目标的混合研讨会将在午餐期间举行. Open to Penn State students, staff and faculty. Registration required to attend virtually.

  • 10:10 to 11 a.m.: Mark Boudreau,生物学副教授,“引导你内心的气候活动家”
  • 11:15 a.m. to 12:05 p.m.: Julie Stanton, professor of business, “Rethinking Fast Fashion”
  • 12:05 to 2 p.m. (午餐供应):可持续发展目标启动-行动计划制定研讨会
  • 2:30 to 3:45 p.m.: Joshua Marquit,心理学副教授,“气候危机:社会科学视角”

4 to 5 p.m., Zoom — PHENND Student Activism Workshop. 受到启发寻找气候解决方案并为气候正义而努力的大学生可以在这个研讨会上与费城地区其他志同道合的大学生联系,该研讨会是与费城社区发展高等教育网络(PHENND)合作举办的. Open to regional college students. Registration required.

6:30 to 8 p.m., Zoom — Storytelling: Winning the Climate Narrative. This event will feature stories, poems and songs of climate wakening, sustainability, and change-making. Participants include:

  • Seamus McGraw, 获奖记者,著有《bck体育官网》
  • Leah Mullen,作曲家,歌手,bck体育官网Schreyer荣誉bck体育官网(音乐作曲)
  • Todd Davis, bck体育官网阿尔图纳分校英语和环境研究教授,著有七本诗集
  • Isabella Briseño, 可持续发展倡导者和bck体育官网学生(环境资源管理), political science)

本次活动是与bck体育官网可持续发展研究所和bck体育官网罗斯和卡罗尔·内斯护理学院合作举办的. Open to the public. Registration required.

Thursday, March 31

Noon to 1 p.m.,学生联合会帕森斯大厅或Zoom -口语艺术家:卡洛斯·安德尔és Gómez. Carlos Andrés Gómez is a Colombian American poet, speaker, actor, and equity and inclusion strategist. He is the author of “Fractures,” winner of the Felix Pollak Prize in Poetry; “Hijito,” winner of the Broken River Prize; and the memoir “Man Up: Reimagining Modern Manhood.” His credits also include HBO’s “Def Poetry Jam” and Spike Lee’s “Inside Man.” Open to Penn State students, faculty and staff. Registration required to attend virtually.

6:30 to 8 p.m., Zoom — Dialogue with Tykee James: Sustainability Forever. Tykee James is the National Audubon Society 政务协调员和第一协办单位 Black Birders Week. 他将领导一场对话,讨论观鸟者如何在建设无障碍和公平的户外空间中发挥重要作用,并与那些倡导更广泛的交叉变化的人站在一起. Open to the public. Registration required.

Friday, April 1

12:05 to 1:20 p.m., 114-117学生会或Zoom -宾夕法尼亚州环境保护部部长帕特里克·麦克唐奈. 与我们一起共进午餐,并与美国国防部秘书帕特里克·麦克唐纳(Patrick McDonnell)交谈. Department of Environmental Protection since 2016. 他在DEP的职业生涯始于1998年,曾在美国环境委员会担任多个职位. A native of Philadelphia, McDonnell拥有Lehigh University的政治学硕士学位和DeSales University的学士学位. Open to the public. Registration required to attend virtually.

更多关于社会公正公平的bck体育官网可在 Center for Ethics and Civic Engagement website. Questions can be directed to Yee at [email protected].